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Right-Suite® Universal module and package prices displayed below are annual subscription fees.
Right Suite Universal requires windows operating system version 7 or newer (or a Windows emulator on a Mac). Our Mobile solutions are not windows based and will work through various web browsers. To learn more about any of the store items, click on the name of the item. To purchase any item, select the Add to Cart button next to the item name.
Please Note
- Wrightsoft products (not including our cloud-based mobile solutions) are Windows based solutions ONLY. Mac users would need a Windows emulator such as Parallels in order to run these programs.
Wrightsoft Core
Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-J®, Right-D®, Right-2 Line™, Right-Radiant®
Wrightsoft Advanced
Right-J®, Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-D®, Right-Radiant®, Right-2 Line™, Right-HV™, Right-$™, Right-Energy™
Wrightsoft Premier
Right-J®, Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-D®, Right-Radiant®, Right-2 Line™, Right-HV™, Right-$™, Right-Energy™, Right-Loop™, Right-B
Wrightsoft Commercial
Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-2 Line™ (Res & Com), Right-N®, Right-Comm-Load™, Right-Comm-Duct™
Note: This is an independent package. To add Commercial capability to a Residential package, please select the Right-Comm-Load add-on or Comm Tools add-on instead.
Wrightsoft Core
Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-J®, Right-D®, Right-2 Line™, Right-Radiant®
Wrightsoft Advanced
Right-J®, Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-D®, Right-Radiant®, Right-2 Line™, Right-HV™, Right-$™, Right-Energy™
Wrightsoft Premier
Right-J®, Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-D®, Right-Radiant®, Right-2 Line™, Right-HV™, Right-$™, Right-Energy™, Right-Loop™, Right-B
Wrightsoft Commercial
Right-Draw®, Right-Proposal™, Right-2 Line™ (Res & Com), Right-N®, Right-Comm-Load™, Right-Comm-Duct™
Note: This is an independent package. To add Commercial capability to a Residential package, please select the Right-Comm-Load add-on or Comm Tools add-on instead.
Right-Cad can be added to an existing RSU license or purchased along with a new RSU license.
Right-Energy Title 24 (CA)
Title 24 Energy Analysis for California (Single Family/New Construction)
ASHRAE RTS or CLTD Commercial Load Calculations
COMM Tools (Right-N, Right-CommLoad and Right-CommDuct)
COMM Tools combines multiple functionalities to create a one-stop tool for commercial users. Size commercial ducts with precise measurements and fitting.
Right-Energy Florida
This revolutionary, Florida Building Commission approved program allows users to quickly, easily and effectively comply the new Florida Energy code.
Rheia is an engineered supply air distribution system designed to easily fit into the home’s conditioned space and deliver air more precisely throughout the home. It is a small diameter flex duct system that uses snap-fit plastic components.
Right-CommLoad (ASHRAE-Based Commercial Loads)
ASHRAE RTS or CLTD Commercial Load Calculations
Right-J Mobile
ACCA Approved Manual J Block Loads
Perfect Pitch
Cloud based in-home selling tool with the ability to perform Manual J block loads, operating costs, presentations and proposals. *Perfect Pitch is a per year subscription
Right-Mobile Consultant – Right Price
: Right Price
Additional Enhanced Manufacturer Database
Manufacturer Brands
Right Suite Universal requires Windows operating system version 7 or newer (or a Windows emulator on a Mac). The Mobile Solutions are not Windows based and will work through various web browsers.
To learn more about any of the store items, click on the name of the product. The Right-Suite Universal (RSU) pricing shown is for a software subscription which must be renewed each year. This price includes access to Tech Support and upgrades. Please see the Main Store for Right-Suite Universal purchase-to-own pricing. All Mobile Solutions are priced for annual subscriptions. To purchase any item, select the Add to Cart button next to the item name. If you have any questions, contact Wrightsoft Sales at (800) 225-8697 (option 1)!
Please Note
- Right-Suite Universal Annual Subscriptions (SAAS) New or Renewal Packages require a minimum of $400. Questions, contact sales at 1.800.225.8697 x3 or sales@wrightsoft.com.
Right-J® (1 yr )
ACCA Manual J Loads
Right-Draw® (1yr )
Drag-and-drop floor-plan
Right-D® (1 yr )
ACCA Manual D Ducts
Right-2Line™ (1 yr )
Convert single line to 2-dimensional Ducts.
Right-HV™ (1 yr )
High-Velocity Ducts
Right-B (1 yr )
In-field Air Flow Balancing
Right-Proposal™ (1 yr )
Instant Parts Takeoff, Custom Proposals
Right-$™ (1 yr )
Residential Equipment Operating Cost, ROI & Comparison
Right-Energy® (1 yr )
Residential Energy Analysis(not Right-Energy Florida)
Right-Loop™ (1 yr )
Geothermal Loop
Right-Radiant® (1 yr )
Radiant In-floor Heating Design
Right-Title 24 (1 yr )
California Title 24 Energy Code Compliance
Right-F280™ (1 yr )
Canada HRAI F280 Load Calculation
Right-Duct™ (1 yr )
Canada HRAI Residential Duct
Right-CommLoad™ (1 yr )
ASHRAE CLTD/RTS Commercial Loads
Right-CommDuct™ (1 yr )
ASHRAE Commercial Duct Design
Right-Comm2Line™ (1 yr )
Convert single line to 2-dimensional ducts *Requires Right-Comm Duct
Right-N® (1 yr )
ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Method
Right-J Mobile
ACCA Approved Manual J Block Loads
Mobile Solutions (by SaaS subscription only)
Wrightsoft Software and Support (WSS) Renewal for Permanent Licenses
*To find what your current version is, click on HELP, ABOUT in your software
Common Residential Software Subscription Packages
Common Commercial Software Subscription Packages
Common Combination Software Subscription Packages
Right-CAD® Add-On
SaaS MODULES (While individual modules can be added to an existing SaaS license, New and Renewal SaaS licenses need a $400 total package minimum.)
Right-J® (1 yr )
ACCA Manual J Loads
Right-Draw® (1yr )
Drag-and-drop floor-plan
Right-D® (1 yr )
ACCA Manual D Ducts
Right-2Line™ (1 yr )
Convert single line to 2-dimensional Ducts.
Right-HV™ (1 yr )
High-Velocity Ducts
Right-B (1 yr )
In-field Air Flow Balancing
Right-Proposal™ (1 yr )
Instant Parts Takeoff, Custom Proposals
Right-$™ (1 yr )
Residential Equipment Operating Cost, ROI & Comparison
Right-Energy® (1 yr )
Residential Energy Analysis(not Right-Energy Florida)
Right-Loop™ (1 yr )
Geothermal Loop
Right-Radiant® (1 yr )
Radiant In-floor Heating Design
Right-Title 24 (1 yr )
California Title 24 Energy Code Compliance
Right-F280™ (1 yr )
Canada HRAI F280 Load Calculation
Right-Duct™ (1 yr )
Canada HRAI Residential Duct
Right-CommLoad™ (1 yr )
ASHRAE CLTD/RTS Commercial Loads
Right-CommDuct™ (1 yr )
ASHRAE Commercial Duct Design
Right-Comm2Line™ (1 yr )
Convert single line to 2-dimensional ducts *Requires Right-Comm Duct
Right-N® (1 yr )
ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Method
Right-Energy® Florida R405-2023 (single family/new construction)
This particular SaaS module can be added to either SaaS or Permanent licenses. Note that SaaS subscription expiration or WSS expiraton must be matched to the Right-Energy Florida expiration when purchasing.